When you are preparing for an upcoming move, one the most important details you will need to determine is what size moving truck you are going to need to transport all of your belongings from your current home to your new one. It is easy to make a mistake and choose a truck that is […]
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For the vast majority of us, getting ready to move is not something you can just manage with a few days’ notice. We have closets full of belongings, clothing, beds, furniture, and all sorts of items that need to be carefully packed and prepared for relocation to our new address. But, getting from your old […]
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Moving during the winter provides its own set of challenges compared to moving at other times of the year. You have to be prepared for colder temperatures, rain, sleet, snow, and ice. Accurate Movers is pleased to provide the following tips and suggestions to help make your move easier. 1. Use a professional moving company […]
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